Author: Lee Hill

SepOct 2001
A Grand Guy: The Art and Life of Terry Southern
by Lee Hill

343 pages $41.5 cloth
ISBN: 0380977869
Now Dig This: The Unspeakable Writings of Terry Southern, 1950-1995
by Terry Southern, Nile Southern, Lee Server

Grove Press
263 pages $40 cloth
ISBN: 0802116892

The Very Definition of Hip
by T. F. Rigelhof
Nobody said Mordecai Richler was hip or cool, did they? In all the hundreds and hundreds of things that were said and got printed in the days after Richler died, nobody said anything like, "I really dug that cat, man. Mort was hip, man, he was one cool daddy-o," did they? If anyone stepped out of that time warp, I completely missed it. Read more...

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